Programs and Pricing
Driver’s Ed Classes, Behind-The Wheel Instruction, and So Much More!
We have several instructors providing our excellent programs. They are all certified by the state of Colorado to teach driver’s education. Some are former high school teachers and principals, some are former police officers, and some are retired professionals. They are all trained by Conahan’s Driving School in our methods of instruction, our philosophy of teaching, and our high expectations so that we have consistency in our exemplary programs.
Driver’s Ed Classes + Schedule
Our high-quality driver’s ed classes consist of thirty hours of in-class instruction held conveniently in locations in Fort Collins and Loveland.
Behind-the-Wheel Instruction
Students will learn many invaluable habits and concepts during their behind-the-wheel instruction. We highly recommend completing this 6-hour training early in the student’s driving career. You must complete the full 6 hours to get your license at 16 years of age, AND to qualify for insurance discounts. Must hold Colorado Permit or License prior to scheduling.
Teenage Driver’s Education Program
Our high-quality program for teenagers consists of 30 hours of in-class instruction and six hours of behind-the-wheel instruction. The behind-the-wheel instruction occurs after the classroom instruction is completed and the driver obtains their permit.
Home Study Program
You may now take the classroom portion of the driving program in the comfort of your own home and at your own pace if you prefer. You will receive a copy of the classroom lectures and discussions via digital download or on flash drive, and all workbooks with quizzes, log sheets, and the Colorado Driver’s Handbook to read through and complete at home.
Private Lessons
Adults and teenagers with a Colorado State Permit/License may take behind-the-wheel instruction private lessons. New drivers, nervous drivers, international students, and individuals wanting to improve their driving skills can take these lessons at their convenience.
Driver’s License Testing
Conahan’s offers driver’s license testing BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Please visit our Drive Test page for more information.
Driver’s Ed Classes
30 hours of in-class instruction to teach you the rules of the road.
Behind-The-Wheel Instruction
6 hours of on-the-road instruction.
Teen Driver’s Ed
30 hours of in-class instruction plus 6 hours of on-the-road instruction.
Home Study Program
Take the classroom instruction in the comfort of your own home.
Private Driving Lessons
Touch up your skills with professional and patient instructors.
Driver’s License Tests
Conahan’s offers driver’s license tests by appointment only.